Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thankful For My Childhood Experiences

To everyone who gets pissed at their parents when they discover that the "Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy," and "Santa" aren't "real", I have this to say to you:
They've bought at least one extra present for each one of you at every Christmas, often more expensive and extravagant than the ones they took credit for. They filled your stockings with treats and toys, trying hard not to make any noise so that the magic of Christmas wouldn't be ruined for you. They've rearranged their schedules to buy your "Santa" presents when you wouldn't be there to see it, and then went to extreme measures to hide them so the surprise wouldn't be ruined. They helped you write letters to "Santa", and helped you read the reply that you got, cuddling you in their arms while you smiled with glee. They let you wake them up extra early to see what “Santa” brought everyone. They lied and hid and did whatever they could so that you could stay an innocent kid for just a little while longer.
They helped you seal up your teeth in little white envelopes, or small tooth containers, so that you could place them under your bed for the tooth fairy to come. They’ve dug into their own wallets for every single tooth that you lost, giving you money and letting a small, tutu-toting fairy take credit for it. They’ve undergone the chilling fear of trading that tooth for money, hoping that you wouldn’t wake up and catch them.
They bought chocolate, candy, toy bunnies, and other Easter presents, stayed up late to make sure that you were asleep before laying them out for you, and then let you wake them up early so they could see what the “Easter Bunny” brought everyone.
Quit bitching about your parents trying to let you enjoy your childhood - be thankful that they went to the lengths that they did for your enjoyment.
“Santa”, the “Easter Bunny”, and the “Tooth Fairly” ARE REAL. They are the mother and/or father who thanklessly did all of the above, and did everything that s/he could to keep the credit off of her/him.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!
    So many people need to hear that.
    Especially being a parent and realizing that it really is a lot to keep your kids believing and enjoying it (but SO worth it); I can't imagine if when my kids hear the truth they actually got mad at me for it, that would be pretty upsetting.
